Top 20 NuGet Packages

Newtonsoft.Json storage implementation for Neptuo.Formatters.Composite.
Metadata definitions for Neptuo.Formatters.Composite.
JSON implementation of Neptuo.Formatters.
XML implementation of Neptuo.Formatters.
Support for localization based on dictionaries and culture info.
Log4net implementation of Neptuo.Logging.
Neptuo support for creating and accessing anemic and domain models.
Facade for deleting objects.
Feature models (soft contract, endless extensibility).
Uniquely identify entities by key across a whole application.
Serialization support for IKey to various formats.
Observable objects, collections and commands.
Model definition and usage abstractions.
XML Serialization and deserialization support for model definitions and values.
Model definitions based on .NET types.
Base (platform independent) support for building UI on PresentationModels.
Behaviors extension for query handling.
Windows (global) HotKey binding support.