Top 20 NuGet Packages

Library to all common DTO's to use in Mobile and Web apps
A divine c-sharp design patterns library!
Meta package for .NET 4.6.1 projects
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and Domain Key email signing for .Net Core
Custom BOB for DL Prime
An ADO and SqlClient utility library containing boilerplate code, extension methods, new classes, and/or improvements to existing classes.
A utility library containing extensions to FluentValidation.
An OpenXML utility library containing boilerplate code, extension methods, new classes, and/or improvements to existing classes.
个人类库 使用EfCore操作SqlServer数据库
个人类库 修复生成token的问题
个人类库 1.修复读取连接字符串配置的问题 2.增加配置项 3.增加异常拦截的配置
C# wrapper for the GW2 public API
A layout control with the same visual as StaggeredPanel, but with UI virtualization support. It is intended to be used with ItemsRepeater control.
Execute task in background with new scope