Top 20 NuGet Packages

A simlpe .Net client for the Disque in-memory distributed queue.
A simple Disqus API Wrapper
C# wrapper for the Disqus API.
说明:项目Disruptor是从disruptor java 3.2.0版本移植到.net 平台 作者:李果 系统要求 framework 4.0 vs 2010 java 版本地址: /*1.WaitStrategy等待策略: * BlockingWaitStrategy 使用锁和条件变量等待屏障,这个策略适合性能,低延迟不重要,重要的是CPu资源(牺牲一定的性能,延迟换取CPU资源) * BusySpinWaitStrate...
Disruptor-net TimingControl
Serilog sink for the Disruptor-net.Metrics library
DistillNET is a library for matching and filtering HTTP requests URLs using the Adblock Plus Filter format.
AppFabric cache provider for simple distributed cache
DistributedCiscuitBreaker is a .NET Library that allows developers to wrap execution of a task to be controlled by a circuit breaker.
Exclusive distributed lock library for C#/.NET using MongoDB
Distributed Service Library - Core
Distributed Service Library - Hosting
Distributed Service Library - Microservice.Abstractions
PLC библиотека классов общая для проектов Hermes и Distributor компании upsmile
LinqToSql maping oracle database "Distributor" upsmile
The essence of the library is to generate a transaction according to the required operations (vote, comment, etc.), sign the transaction and broadcast to the Graphene-based blockchain (Golos/Steem).
Provides a ControllerFactory to work with ASP.NET MVC 3 + Unity. It also provides some LifetimeManagers.