Top 20 NuGet Packages

An alternative option to ILMerge, this small set of public domain source code is packaged for you to bootstrap an exe to load embedded LZMA compressed dlls dependencies(or even your original exe if you want to compress it too) to end up with a single smaller merged exe.
Ding.Hangfire.SQLite是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的基于Hangfire的定时计划处理类,数据库采用Sqlite。
A wrapper of DinkToPdfAll that just include x64 and x86 version of the wkhtmltox library.
Dino extension for EntityFramework
The fastest report builder library based on DioDocs.
Diplo Trace Log Viewer is a Developer tree section in Umbraco 7 that allows you to easily select and view the contents of the trace logs that the Umbraco CMS generates. The package also allows you to search, order and filter log events (e.g. you may only wish to view Errors or Warnings) all from wit...
Libraries to develop an Model-Controller back end service with DiPS, the backend is totally agnostic of the View
A .Net client for the DiPS service DiPS is a Distributed Publish Subscribe service
Classes to host a .Net DiPS server in your own process DiPS is a Distributed Publish Subscribe service
A package which contains a set of abstract classes implemented following DDD (Domain-Driven design), CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) principles ready for Event Sourcing.
A package which will help you to register all DipScope.Messaging services in .NET Core application.
A package which will help you to register all DipScope.Messaging.MessageStore.Kafka services in .NET Core application.
A package which adds event sourcing support for DipScope.Messaging.MessageStore package. It provides implementation for storing events.
A package which provides implementation of DipScope.Messaging.EventStore based on entity framework core.
A package which extends DipScope.Messaging package and adds support for message scheduling and producing to external systems.
A package which provides implementation of DipScope.Messaging.MessageStore based on entity framework core.
A package which provides producer and consumer implementations for DipScope.Messaging.MessageStore based on Apache Kafka.
A lightweight publisher / subscriber implementation using WebSockets.
This client lets you control DirectAdmin from your C# application.