Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Directions.Core implementation for Google directions api
Log4net additions for ASP.NET MVC projects
Tools to measure your application using AWS as a data store
Base para projetos que exigem conexão a banco de dados.
This assembly implements a docking layout system for WPF.
Part of MLib, which is a set of WPF theming libraries based on MahApps.Metro and MUI
Dirtybase is a persistence version/migration command line tool. Dirtybase will compare version files in a folder to the version of a data store, then apply the version files in order to migrate the data store to the latest version. This is useful for keeping data stores on different environments up ...
Collection of libraries for Fediverse APIs.
Mastodon Client Library for .NET Standard 2.0.
Pleroma Client Library for .NET Standard 2.0.
DiscogsConnect is a .NET client library for accessing the REST API v2.0 of Discogs
DiscogsNet is a .NET library to query the API and parse the Discogs XML data dump files. It's developed in C# and usable from any .NET language. The API of the library is focused on ease of use and intuitiveness. It's currently linked against .NET 4, but given the source, it's shouldn't ...
.NET Core implementation of the Disco protocol framework
A boilerplate repository for creating discord bots.
An extension of Discord.Net.Commands, mainly to get information about your commands as string, ideally to build a help command. Comes with a extension of the CommandService to build a help command easily!
Package Description
An extension for Discord.Net that adds linkable messages.
A Discord.Net Addon that uses reactions to minimize and maximize message sent by bots, espically large messages. It allows any user to minimize or maximize a message, but only the original command caller can delete it. There is a 5 minute auto delete time with each mesage as well.