NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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MVC Easy CMS [2 dependencies]

Easy to use, lightweight CMS for ASP.NET MVC 3, MVC 4 and MVC 5 with Razor view engine and C# based on html markup. Can be installed as on new created MVC 3, MVC 4 and MVC 5 project as on already existing. Managing zones are marked using html5 "data-" attributes.
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DotNetRules [2 dependencies]

The DotNetRules Library is an approach to apply policies to objects without the need to call each Policy manually from code, but with one simple call. Using this approach you can deploy your policies in an external library and deploy them independently of the core application.
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AutoFixture with NUnit2 [2 dependencies]

By leveraging the some features of NUnit, this extension turns AutoFixture into a declarative framework for writing unit tests. In many ways it becomes a unit testing DSL (Domain Specific Language).
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VSSDK.IDE.10Only [2 dependencies]

This is a metadata-only package used as a dependency for reference packages and extensions that target *only* Visual Studio 2010. If you find this package installed in an extension that is supposed to target any other version of Visual Studio, use NuGet to uninstall the package and it will re...
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SdmxSource.NuGet [2 dependencies]

SdmxSource.NET based on SdmxSource.Java v1.1.4b
Attachment server model. Attachments are linked to the Roles/Users with special permissions
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Implements a simple set of helpers to handle EPOCH timestamps in .NET
Helper for getting Azure CDN url for a given endpoint and blob
NSpecifications is the most complete library for the Specification pattern and it's grounded on the Domain-Driven Design principles. Provides interface, abstract and a generic specification, composable, supports operators. This is probably the most fluent and least verbose library. Specifications ca...
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Otc.PubSub.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

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Zahasoft.Persist [2 dependencies]

Algorithms used to persist object state - abstractions
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TTW.Design.Types [2 dependencies]

Type library for TTW Design App Contains 1. Vibration types 2. Profile & Bar types 3. Carbon Content 4. Custom Types for Users and Projects 5. Model Checks
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IM.Wms.ServerInput [2 dependencies]

An ABP UI module used to manage ABP settings
Descriptor extensions for Cosmos.Models.
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Tochka.JsonRpc.Common [2 dependencies]

Common models and utils shared for Tochka.JsonRpc.*
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JEON.RunTime [2 dependencies]

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CRZ.ThirdPartySchemas [2 dependencies]

Package Description