NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Defines the eventing contracts required for managing circuit breakers via an event database (such as Event Store)
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log4net-await [2 dependencies]

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Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime [2 dependencies]

The .NET Core runtime. \r\n TFS ID: 1599443, GitHub SHA:
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PearXLib [2 dependencies]

An opensource library written on C#. It contains a lot of useful things.
IBM Data Server provider for .NET Core.
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DotVVM.AspNetCore [2 dependencies]

DotVVM is an open source ASP.NET-based framework which allows to build interactive web apps easily by using mostly C# and HTML.
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AspNetSeo [2 dependencies]

Helpers for handling the SEO-data for ASP.NET web-applications
PhantomNet.AspNetCore.Mvc.SharedStrings class library
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Btech.Utils.Security [2 dependencies]

Create abstraction for encrypt values
Package Description
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Ripple.NetCore [2 dependencies]

Ripple.NetCore is a set of .Net libraries for working with the Ripple network. The only supported functionality at this time is offline signing of transactions.
Implementations of missing dotnet core Azure Service Bus NamespaceManager functionality around Topics/Subscriptions, Relays, Hybrid Connections and EventHubs.
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Ccf.Ck.SysPlugins.Services [2 dependencies]

This package provides System Plugin for core services management in CoreKraft.
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Dundas BI Core Library [2 dependencies]

The Dundas.BI.Core assembly is a .NET assembly that contains the Dundas BI Engine. This assembly is composed of three main parts: Framework, Entities, and Data. This library is only required when writing a server extension or directly calling the server API. For general API-based interactions with D...
meteoToolkit, meteoToolkit.Core, meteoToolkit.Radar, meteoToolkit.Satellite, etc.
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TinyRecoil.Crypto [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Toolkit for Kentico's Agent allows you to use Search and Compare on any environment. This is to be installed in the Kentico Xperience Administration Project/Site.
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Texnomic.SecureDNS.Core [2 dependencies]

Texnomic SecureDNS Core Library.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments messaging abstractions.
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AcmeStore.Domain.Shared [2 dependencies]

Package Description