NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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NETFx AppDomain Data<T> [2 dependencies]

Provides strong-typed persistence of data in an AppDomain, which can also be transient and automatically removed on dispose. Usage: AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData<Foo>(foo); var saved = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData<Foo>();
ASP.NET web forms application bootstrapper for Ninject
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TwitterBootstrapMVC - MVC5 [2 dependencies]

Fluent implementation of ASP.NET-MVC HTML helpers for Twitter Bootstrap. This library aids developers in writing Twitter Bootstrap related html code faster.
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AlexeyKuptsov.Jdi.Commons [2 dependencies]

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Ceen.Mvc [2 dependencies]

Model-View-Controller package for Ceen.Httpd
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Dna.Framework [2 dependencies]

A cross-platform base framework useful for all projects that use .Net Core
Model for .Net Standard Client for GDAX REST API Library
Constellation Client library for .NET
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Orleans.MultiClient [2 dependencies]

Orleans' Multi Client
IRepository implementation for tracking worker startup-shutdowns and other meta information not related to logging
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CSAc4yLib [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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PlatForm.WeChat [2 dependencies]

菜单 资源 用户...
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xpf.ns.ctct.reszonecache [2 dependencies]

Package Description
The `LookupCascade` module implements client side Cascading Filtering for Lookup List Views (No ImmediatePostData).
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AsyncBinaryExtensions [2 dependencies]

C# Library for reading various datatypes from a stream asynchronously
Kasra DAL
Package Description
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RIS.Collections [2 dependencies]

A library designed for various types of tasks. Part of the RIS "ecosystem".
Package Description