NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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FeatureSwitcher.Contexteer [2 dependencies]

A plugin to FeatureSwitcher to control feature switches/toggles in multitenant enviroments by utilizing Contexteer.
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gmaps-api-net [2 dependencies]

A library for interacting with Google Maps API web services using C# or VB.Net
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VSSDK.Shell.Immutable.11 [2 dependencies]

This package provides the Visual Studio "Shell Immutable" reference assembly used by Visual Studio 2012 and newer. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Immutable.11.0.dll
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CTRC [2 dependencies]

A reflection cache library for .NET
Provides logging and performance tools via AOP.
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Platform.Communication [2 dependencies]

LinksPlatform's Platform.Communication Class Library
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OpenNet [2 dependencies]

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Zebble.WebApi [2 dependencies]

An easy to use API for consuming Web Api services in Zebble apps.
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Net.Chdk.Model.CameraModel [2 dependencies]

CHIMP cameraModel model
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ionix.Migration [2 dependencies]

A high performer migration library.
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ApiActions [2 dependencies]

API Middleware for AspNet with emphasis on REST-ful capabilities, versioning, performance, and extensibility
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Kengic.EventBus [2 dependencies]

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SanteDB.Cdss.Xml [2 dependencies]

SanteDB Clinical Decision Support XML Protocoling Engine. Provides a descriptive way to express and execute clinical protocols
Gives the ability to make Authorized API Requests using a Rest Client. Utilizes RestSharp under the hood.
DataDefinitionExecuter factory for Fizzcode DbTools project
Common packages proving message contracts for diagnostics.
Package Description
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IF.APM.OpenTracing.Core [2 dependencies]

OpenTracing implementation.
Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems.
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Frontmatec.Text [2 dependencies]

Package Description