Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

Total dependencies: 2370

Web.Require is client dependency framework for ASP.NET MVC
A package that helps to build self-updating web applications using NuGet.
Caramel Web Mvc
Extensions for DynamicImage providing integration with ASP.NET MVC 3
Helpers for jQuery Mobile in ASP.NET MVC 4
Lib.Web.Mvc is a library which contains some helper classes for ASP.NET MVC such as strongly typed jqGrid helper, attribute and helper providing support for HTTP/2 Server Push with Cache Digest, attribute and helpers providing support for Content Security Policy Level 2, FileResult providing support...
A Paging library for ASP.NET MVC.
MarkdownSharp helpers for MVC
This package contains following Html helper 1. LabelRequiredFor : This helper display an asterisk sign for the label if that property is marked as required using Data annotations attribute.
Bailey.Web.Mvc provides a Windsor-based controller factory and dependency resolver for ASP.NET MVC.
Serializes a collection of models to csv file and returns in the response
This is a fork of Recaptcha for .Net. I've added a fix to always respect the useSsl boolean. Please revert to original maintainer's package when his serves your purpose, as it is unlikely I will update this package, and the code belongs to Tanveer Yousuf. For more information see the following is...
Adds methods to help serialize complex objects for use in ASP.NET MVC.
Provides ViewDataDictionary extensions to help add metadata to your html elements
Simit Web MVC Filters Library
Simit Mvc Web Extension Library
Relation dependencies in EntityFramework is common task. This package will create a select box, or checkboxes depending if you have a Single or Multiple relationship.
A few helpers for a poor man's composition root