Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

Total dependencies: 2370

Simple library that allows you to easily create error pages for common HTTP error and application exceptions.
A library to integrate ASP.NET MVC with jQuery.pjax.
A library to integrate ASP.NET MVC with jQuery.pjax.
The Encrypted Token Pattern is a defence mechanism against Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks, and is an alternative to its sister-patterns; Synchroniser Token, and Double Submit Cookie. The ARMOR Web Framework provides a means to leverage this technique in repelling CSRF attacks against ASP....
Render HTML attributes with select list options.
Extensions for DynamicImage providing integration with ASP.NET MVC 4
Typed views allow MVC/Razor views to specify a strongly-typed ViewModel property, separate to the Model property.
Blade is a presentation framework for Sitecore 7. It enables excellent separation of concerns, easy rendering debugging, and pervasive use of the Razor templating language. Fully compatible with template-to-object mappers via simple extension. This package contains the core library, which is ap...
Extensions to HtmlHelper for things like checkbox lists, adds support for most to HTML5 input types and provides a fluent strongly-type way of specifying attributes.
Extension Attributes for ASP.NET MVC
ASP.NET MVC 4 Useful Extensions
Get the shortest and declarative test code you use it!!
SwissKnife.Mvc is supplemental library for ASP.NET MVC 4 Including Html Helpers, Validation Attributes, etc.
A VirtualPathProvider for ASP.NET MVC4 that allows for usage of embedded resources as virtual files. Virtual directory structure is based on namespaces. Razor views and Web.config are supported.
Performance utilities for MVC5 applications
Cache extensions for ServiceStack ICacheClient. Includes cache context and mvc donut caching.
A fairly responsive paged data grid for use with KnockoutJS and Breeze. This package contains the styles and code for the control as well as initial documentation. This package DOES NOT include the Durandal widget. There is a specific package that handles the widget install.