Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

Total dependencies: 2370

Web Framework
Fluent Html Helper for ASP.NET MVC
Unic script logger
FluentDataAnnotations.Mvc is a library that provides fluent API for adding DataAnnotaions for ASP.NET MVC projects
Enables implementing themes for ASP.NET MVC
A toolkit for everyday web development
Fork of the ASP.NET MVC 5 integration for FluentValidation originaly developed by Jeremy Skinner.
Plugin Mvc WebApplication
A helper library to create menus automatically based on the actions
Plugin Mvc WebApplication
This set of projects provide little helper and extension methods for web (including MVC) environments.
Roughly a CanCan port from Ruby to .NET, VERY rough. Under development, work in progress, do not use in production!
This is the dedicated Commons Web Library to accopmany my Commons Library, which is a separate package that includes the following features. Constructs to support web environment initialization, as well as various utilities. Packaged libraries (such as Angular, Bootstrap, SignalR, etc.) in e...
Allows flash access of tempdata in controllers and views
A library to integrate ASP.NET MVC with jQuery.pjax.
Fluent Web UI framework
FeatureSwitch integration library for Asp.Net Mvc
Use ASP.NET MVC Htmlhelper create AngularJs validation
Common Web helpers