Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

Total dependencies: 2370

Simple,lightweight,easy to expand pager for mvc and core. I'm so sorry that this package no longer maintains,please migrate to WeihanLi.AspNetMvc.MvcSimplePager.
Asp.Net MVC unobtrusive ajax action filter, designed to modify the out-going action result for ajax callbacks.
Renders HTML pager, works nice with Bootstrap css. For usage in .NET 4.6 / MVC 5
ASP.NET MVC & EF build an intelligent query.
NengLong MvcPager(Derived From Webdiyer.MvcPager)
ASP.NET MVC Build Url Route Helper
ASP.MVC convenience methods and utilities
Web Common for FCP(Fluent Compute Platform)
Help you compress your actions
Help you compress your actions
Mvc 5 library for EasyIoC. This is inversion of control made easy.
Package description
Package description
此套件包含 ASP.NET MVC 的繁體中文附屬組件。
This class library lets developers define editable jquery datatables in C# MVC Controller that will generate html and javascript necessary and use them in a view
Pacote de códigos utilitários, extensões e boas práticas usadas pela equipe de desenvolvimento da Leanwork
Help third project to Sign in from BF.Authcenter
Basic Implementation of IoC for ASP.Net WEB API