Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Common.Logging

Total dependencies: 736

Instrumentation and measurement
A small NinjectModule for Common.Logging.ILog
Login and Pay with Amazon service. This API section enables you to programmatically retrieve shipping and payment information provided by the buyer from their Amazon account. It allows you to authorize, capture, and refund payments, enabling a variety of payments scenarios.
Simple way of Couchbase Caching Operations and Caching Template The goal of project is to reduce code duplication, to make easier of code maintenance and make central of caching operations
A scoped DataContext implementation for Highway.Data and Entity Framework
A .Net HEOS CLI client using Reactive Extensions
StackExchange Redis adapter for common caching infrastructure
nCode Catalog
Implementation of Couchbase repository for persistence of MassTransit Automatonymous Sagas.
NInsight - Application runtime insight for your .net projects