Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Common.Logging

Total dependencies: 736

Lykke log for nethereum web3 interface
A simple Multicast Domain Name Service based on RFC 6762. Can be used as both a client (sending queries) or a server (responding to queries). Modified version of Makaretu.Dns.Multicast - removes usage of NetworkInterface class to support UWP pre Fall Creators Update.
Logging for KsWare Presentation Framework
Directory of services advertised with multicast DNS / Bonjour. Directory keeps itself up to date as services are added or disappear from the network. Leverages Makaretu.MDNS package by Richard Schneider.
The Autofac Implementation of Patterns.Testing
ILogInject.Unity enables the Unity IOC container to inject a CommonLogging.ILog class logger into a registered class.
This package contains a Common.Logging implementation of the abstract ServiceLog.
Provider for Common.Logging Library to Sentry Raven
A durable job queue library based on Reactive extensions
DEPRECATED -- DO NOT USE (view "Project Information" url for more info)
Common.Logging library bindings for Enterprise Library 4.1 logging framework.
Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Server-side bits, for Castle Windsor.
Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Server-side bits, for Ninject.
Self-contained hostable ASP.NET web server providing an open platform for developing a robust ASP.Net web server implementation that addresses many of the limitations and difficulties encountered when using Cassini and/or VS Development Server.
We've added support for the Common Logging appender. This allows you to leverage your current investment in Common Logging, but leverage the power and flexibility that comes with the ReflectInsight viewer. In order to use this extension you must have the ReflectInsight Viewer installed. Download an...