Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Common.Logging

Total dependencies: 736

A Nancy Router implementation for mmbot, a C# port of Github's Hubot chat bot
Fluent wrappings around DAAB 6 with advanced failure logging
An abstract extension to Candor.Tasks for processing messages from an Azure queue.
Core configuration and other common features for IronSharp. is a cloud application services provider that gives you immediate access to high-scale message queues, async processing, and caching.
Simplifies logging through a static helper class and some IL manipulation.
Integrates the CommonsLogging framework into Wave Service Bus.
Framework for creating console apps with multiple commands IoC Registration: register all types where - type.IsAssignableTo<IConsoleCommand>() - type.HasCustomAttribute<ArgSetAttribute>()
Enyim Memcached adapter for common caching infrastructure
RapidTransit, a quick library to get started building autonomous services using MassTransit
A Slack Adapter for mmbot, a C# port of Github's Hubot chat bot
HTTP/REST Client for Terryberry 360 Recognition platform
This package include a custom implementation of ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider which allowes for caching and return of displayname. It also includes a RoleProvider leveraging LDAP group as roles (lacks support for adding and deleting roles). Configuration for the provider, read http://msdn.micro...
Common.Logging factory implementation for OWIN Logging
Common.Logging library bindings for Log4Net 1.2.12 logging framework.
Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 2.1 logging framework.
Redis job storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).