Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Common.Logging

Total dependencies: 736

F# wrapper for Common.Logging library. A still alpha version.
Web, WCF related extensions and helpers
Utility belt for registering the container
An extension to the original NCommon framework (available at with a focus on better EF 5 integraiton and instrumentation with the MVC Mini Profiler.
An Azure storage provider implementation for Candor.Security base providers. This code is open source.
Currently Supports Azure SDK 2.2. Azure SDK 3.x support will come after RTM. Proxies around the Azure Storage v2.0.0 API, TableEntity, CloudTable, and CloudQueue; making it simpler to use Azure within a repository.
A Common.Logging factory adapter targeting Azure Table Storage.
Common.Logging adapter for Enyim Memcached client library
Logging adapter for writing Common.Logging logs to Windows Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)
An XMPP Adapter for mmbot, a C# port of Github's Hubot chat bot
A Quartz Scheduler JobStore using Redis via C# The project was a ported version of quartz-redis-jobstore (, currently it lacks of supporting redis-cluster. It uses StackExchange.Redis as the redis client. All the tests were ran against Redis 2.8.* or h...
Just another library to contribute to castle windsor
NengLong's Yxt Mobile Interface
Simple api wrapper on quartz scheduler