Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Validation and testing components for NHibernate.
Shouldly extensions for BDD-toolkit-dotnet
FluentAssertions extensions for BDD-toolkit-dotnet
Simple BDD syntax for writing domain model tests
TestOutputHelper Extensions
FluentArrange using NSubstitute as mocking framework.
DomainWorkflows testing services
This package provides the TestCentric metadata assembly, which is used by the TestCentric engine. It is provided in a separate package for the benefit of other projects, which may find it useful.
Helper for the MELT testing library to verify that the correct logs are generated by ASP.NET Core applications, when writing integration tests with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing.
Testing library to verify that the correct logs are generated by apps or libraries using the .NET Standard Microsoft.Extensions.Logging library with Serilog as provider.
Static HTML Reporter.
A .NET Functional gRPC API Testing Framework
WPF xUnit runner
FuzzDotNet is a library enabling fuzz-testing and the generation synthetic application data.
FuzzDotNet is a library enabling fuzz-testing and the generation synthetic application data.
Test adapter for Hallstatt
Low-ceremony test framework
Client libraries for TestRail
Modulos.Testing is a simple library built to improve integration and unit testing. It also brings a bunch of battled proven patterns for better efficiency during testing process.
IcuBlazor server hosting lib