Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Integration of Expecto with DiffPlex
A global .NET Core tool for running xunit tests. Installation: dotnet tool install -g xunit-cli Usage: xunit <assemblyPath> [additionalArgs] This package was build from source code at
Running Hopac jobs from Expecto
An open source utility to turn object graphs into strings. Automate your ToString and unit tests asserts.
The NUnit project editor allows easy editing of NUnit projects. It supports a form-based interface for editing properties as well as a rudimentary XML editor. This package includes only the editor, which is also available as a part of the NUnit.Runners package.
NMock3 is a Mocking framework that uses lambda syntax to setup expectations and test interactions between classes and interfaces.
Helpers to allow unit testing precompiled Razor views
It's what a Mocking Framework should be. Powerful. And it's the first of its kind.
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
Fluent Assertions extensions for Autofac
Machine.Specifications.Runner.Utility provides a version independent runner for the Context/Specification framework Machine.Specifications
An InProcess HTTP server which can be mocked and asserted against to allow for full stack HTTP testing
Unit tests will often need to assert that a sizeable amount of data matches an expectation, and this is difficult with only the traditional style of assertion. You essentially have the choice of writing a long list of simple assertions, or concatenating the output into a string and using a single as...
NBench is a cross-platform automated performance profiling and testing framework for.NET applications.
This package includes the NUnit 3.4.1 framework assembly, which is referenced by your tests. It also includes a test runner adapter that is used by TestDriven.Net when executing tests. The adapter is named 'nunit.framework.dll.tdnet' and must live in the same directory as the referenced 'nunit.frame...
Extending AutoFixture.AutoMoq to automatically Setup all calls on a mocked interface or abstract class.
Bringing Jest-esque Snapshot testing to C# See Project Site for more details
Bringing Jest-esque Snapshot testing to C# See Project Site for more details
A framework to round trip NUnit to / from Microsoft Excel customer tests
PureActive Serilog Sink for xUnit