Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Parse jQuery QUnit JavaScript tests from .NET; you can consequently present the tests and their results in your favourite test library (e.g. NUnit).
Community Contributions for ASP.NET Web API
Simple, terse, fluent unit testing of ASP.NET MVC Controllers. ASP.NET MVC 3 version; install FluentMVCTesting if you are using MVC5 or FluentMVCTesting.Mvc4 if you are using MVC4.
Remove test references from an assembly.
Utility classes and extensions to facilitate common testing operations.
Machine.Specifications.Mvc is a set of extensions for testing ASP.Net MVC specific types. It aims to ease the testing of ActionResult objects returned from MVC Controllers by providing an Machine.Specifications (MSpec) BDD syntax over these types.
Experiment.Idioms is to facilitate running idiomatic, regular unit-tests.
Experiment is a base library to support parameterized tests with auto data.
Simple, terse, fluent unit testing of ASP.NET MVC Controllers. ASP.NET MVC 4 version; install FluentMVCTesting if you are using MVC5 or FluentMVCTesting.Mvc3 if you are using MVC3.
Bumblebee is a .NET layer on top of the Selenium browser automation framework allowing for standardized creation of page objects, even for dynamic web pages.
Appender for System.Diagnostics to report log messages into ReportPortal
TestStack.White.ScreenObjects adds support for the Page Object Pattern, allowing you to write clean maintainable UI Tests
A bunch of helpers to get around the deficiencies of MSTest. Features Dynamic/Runtime DataSource's, better exception support and much much more!
You will be able to get the desired window. This library is built on Friendly Layer.
This is used for test automation of Windows applications. You can call the API of separate process from outside.
Selenium/MbUnit Test Automation Framework
Unit test, integration test and functional test helpers. Includes mocked HttpContext, ActionContext, UserManager and SignInManager. Also includes startup extensions to assert that services has been registered and some extension methods to modify security policies (like bypass a policy).
Behaviour Driven Development UI and API testing framework designed to help developers document thier applications functionality.
WPF extensions for ApprovalTests.
Scribe lets you write RSpec-style tests in C# (without leaving the comfort of your favorite testing framework).