Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

DateTimeAbstractions is an testable alternative to the static methods on DateTime and DateTimeOffset. Includes an analyzer/codefix finding usages of DateTime to replaces it with out testable alternative.
BaseModel for testcases written with Progile
Use DalSoft.RestClient with ASP.NET Core In-Memory Test Server for integration tests.
Modules that aid in writing concise and precise unit tests to keep applications durable and robust.
Provides a common infrastructure for testing Kephas based model services. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - TestBase. - Injection: InjectionTestBase. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure fo...
Provides base classes for testing using the System.Composition (MEF) composition services. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - Composition: AutofacCompositionTestBase. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructur...
Wiz DotNet Core API Template
Time-saving extensions to create and setup large number of mocks using Moq framework.
Provides base classes for testing using the Autofac composition services. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - Composition: AutofacCompositionTestBase. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for application...
Provides a common infrastructure for testing Kephas based services. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - TestBase. - Injection: InjectionTestBase. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for appl...
Build Selenium web automation test using advanced web controls with wrappers and plenty of extensions to fasten your automation development time. Focus more on script logic with better consistent script execution, less maintenance, no hardwaits, with improved script execution performance and integra...
Extensions package for Gravity API products line.
Remote agent driver client for UnityTestPilot.
A fluent expression builder that allows easy verification of ILogger Log* (LogDebug, LogInformation, LogError etc) invocations.
Install the package: $ dotnet new -i Genocs.CleanArchitectureTemplate::1.8.3 The full clean project: $ dotnet new cleanarchitecture
Package Description
Pre-release of the Library. Documentation to come.
Connector for Gurock TestRail and Jira for bugs management.
Extensions and utility code for testing ASP.NET Core web applications with HttpClient interception