Top 20 NuGet xunit Packages

Package Description
An xUnit extension to dynamically generate human readable test names.
Collection, Class and Test Case Fixture Dependency Injection for xUnit.
Prettier formatting for your dotnet core tests. Tested with xunit.
Provides an AssembyFixture attribute for xunit. Straight copied from
Fluent assertions wrapper for XUnit
Custom xUnit data attributes.
Simple lib for testing context covers common test issues
DjvuTheory displays test names for xUnit test cases containing custom objects in parameters.
PrettyTest provides nicer test explorer names for XUnit test cases. Unit test names are transformed using conventions to be more readable. Heavly inspired by the blogpost
A small wrapper over AutoMock to simplify writing tests for Xunit.
DotNet port of
DotNet port of
DotNet port of
Demonstrates usage of the Xunit.Theoretical Test Cases base class.
Provides a foundation upon which Xunit Theory Class Data may be generated more succinctly.
Provides a set of I/O oriented extension methods methods extending from Xunit.
Provides a set of Exception oriented extension methods methods extending from Xunit.
Provides a set of general purpose Fluent Assertion extension methods methods extending from Xunit.