Top 20 NuGet xunit Packages

Setup http client resources
Framework built on top of xUnit to allow writing inheritance based BDD style tests.
Extension to xunit that allows yout to resolve the test class by MEF.
Executes Gauge-to-NCrunch bridged-steps generated by NGauge.
Package Description
Harness is a .NET library designed to manage the state of one or more Mongo databases during testing.
The .NET Memory Profiler API can be used to retrieve memory usage information, perform memory assertions, and collect memory snapshots from within a profiled process. This API is intended to be used for automatic memory testing with the help of .NET Memory Profiler or NmpCore. The SciTech.NmpDataC...
Set of classes for xUnit-based Elastic integration testing. Requires external Elastic server instance!
A simple replacement for TheoryData that automatically serializes and deserializes in order to show more fidelity in test cases.
Should extensions for the XUnit framework (.NET Standard)
Layman BDD framework for xUnit and .net Core
An analyzer to find missing tests for tests written with SmartTests.
SmartTests enables you to write Smarter unit tests, wether you use NUnit, Xunit or MSTests. It is best to install SmartTests.Analyzer and SmartTests.Extension so that missing tests will be displayed. They are Smart in the sense that: 1. The Act line of your test is instantly identifiable. ...
For use with custom RedFolder.xUnit.IntegrationFact attribute. This plugin automatically generates .cs code to use the IntegrationFact rather than the standard xUnit Fact.
A custom xUnit attribute to use as an alternative to Fact when wanting to have integration tests. It will utilise an environment variable to decide to show or not - keeping your Test Explorer clean for those fast moving unit tests.
Extensions to help testing http actions
Painless, strongly-typed xUnit testing in F#
Xunit-based test framework for automating test cases. Supports .NET Framework 4.6.1 or later and .NET Standard 2.0.
Specification structured unit testing for AutoMapper profiles using xunit.spec