Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

This is a simple library to help when using FontAwesome with Xamarin.iOS. All v4.0.3 icons from the cheatsheet are included.
Splunk>MINT Xamarin Android Java Bindings
Splunk>MINT Xamarin iOS Classic API Objective-C Bindings
A Xamarin (MonoTouch) port of the great Simulator Enhancements by ColinEberhardt. This project provides a mechanism for 'injecting' sensor data into an application in order to test code that depends on the accelerometer or GPS data without the need for a real device.
A straightforward plugin for Xamarin which provides easy compression for image streams. Compression from 1 to 100% available. Returns a compressed MemoryStream in JPEG format, which can then be saved or displayed. Great for Xamarin Forms! Simply install the plugin and call the EZcompress class meth...
UML and Statechart inspired state machine library with hierarchical and orthogonal states. See description on This package includes: - Portable assembly for .NET Framework 4, Silverlight 5, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone Silverlight 8 and hig...
Cross platform access to that LED on the back of your phone.
Simple MVVM framework based on MVVM Light for Xamarin Forms
Tokenizador (Xamarin) para Conekta. Necesitas tener alguna libreria de servidor para usar el token.
System.Reflection cross platform package (plugin) to replace code usage in various projects like Xamarin.Auth
HolisticWare.Core cross platform package (plugin) with extensions and utilities for System namespace in Portable Class Libraries
Portable Client Library and HttpClient based OAuth library, including all platform(for PCL as .NET 4.0, .NET 4.5, Silverlight4, Silverlight5, Windows Phone 8.0, Windows Store Apps). This is an independently uploaded package and has source code from various sources aggregated under MIT License. Ori...
The main goal of this project is to supply a portable alternative to System.Text.Encoding that can be used from other PCL libraries. Platforms such as Windows Phone currently do not provide support for text encodings other than a limited subset of the Unicode encodings. This can be a real show-stop...
Tools for Xamarin.Android.
Xamarin bindings to the MTStatusBarOverlay. Support unified API. Support iOS9
Shims LoadAssembly(byte[] rawAssembly) for Windows Desktop, Xamarin iOS and Xamarin Android when running under portable-net45+wp8+wpa81+win8+MonoAndroid10+MonoTouch10+Xamarin.iOS10.
// 版本号码:前3码是对应原生SDK版号,后1码是Nuget上传版号 // [Activity(Label = "App1", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")] [MetaData("com.amap.api.v2.apikey", Value = "your-apikey")] public class MainActivity : Activity { Com.Amap.Api.Maps2d....
This package contains a set of helper classes for WPF, XAML, and Mono applications that use the MVVM pattern.