Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Package Description
Standardised service for interacting with standardised REST API (TBC).
Standardised models, and generic repository for SQLite database work on Mobile.
iOS supporting library for Hostly
Android supporting library for Hostly
NotificationService aims for local notifications to be a quick and easy addition into any project.
Draw fancy progress bars in Xamarin.Forms application. Powered by SkiaSharp.
Helper for auto implementing the NinjaMvvm.Xam dependencies using Unity
Adds support for multiple implementations to Xamarin.Forms's DI system
Implementation of CQELight MVVM abstractions based on Xamarin Forms
ML Kit Vision implementation using Android.Hardware.Camera2 API.
iOS toolbar extensions for Xamarin.Forms (left hand toolbar items, and Android:esque secondary toolbar menu)
Package Description
Package Description
GradientPages for Xamarin.Forms projects that add the gradient background.
Library for making Xamarin a little more decoupled. It provides a binding system that will bind view models and view together just based on conventions, as well as providing a navigation system that helps use the Shell's navigation without exposing the Shell instance to each view/page.
Xamarin.Android bindings for Flutter Android Lifecycle plugin (flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle)
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - lifecycle common for Java 8 Language
ニフクラ mobile backendのXamarin用SDKです。
Plugin Description