Top 20 NuGet xamarin.forms Packages
A Xamarin.Forms library for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS to implement Google's Material Design.
Neomorphic controls for Xamarin.Forms
The Font Generator is a build utility to automatically generate font packages for use with the AP.MobileToolkit.Fonts for Xamarin.Forms, Uno Platform, WinUI and Maui.
Dark Ice Toolkit contains various helper methods, extensions and general utilities to help with everyday tasks in Xamarin.Forms Mobile App projects.
A Xamarin.Forms library using SkiaSharp for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS to implement the outline styled text view in Google's Material Design.

A Collection of Xamarin.Forms components including HorizontalListView, Tabs, MaterialFrame, Shadows and TaskLoaderView
Collection of Xamarin.Forms components.
IMPORTANT: On platform projects, call SharpnadoInitializer.Initialize() after Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init() and before LoadApplication(new App()).
Pure Xamarin.Forms tabs:
* Fixed tabs (android tabs style)
* Scrollable tabs
* Segmented tabs
* Custom sha...
Gauges はカスタマイズ可能なゲージコントロールです。線形ゲージ、円形ゲージ、ブレットグラフが作成できます。
Extension methods for capturing images from UI
Official Sentry SDK for Xamarin Forms - Open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time.
Simple Radial Gauge for Xamarin Forms, forks from Radial ProgressBar from ItamarD.Xamarin.Forms.RadialProgress
Provides extensions for easily bundling Icon Fonts with as Embedded Fonts that ship via NuGet
Provides the embedded font helpers for adding FontAwesome Free - Brands to your Xamarin.Forms project.
Provides the embedded font helpers for adding FontAwesome Free - Regular to your Xamarin.Forms project.
Provides the embedded font helpers for adding FontAwesome Free - Solid to your Xamarin.Forms project.
Movesense API for Xamarin
A custom view to create a FloatingActionButton for both Android and iOS as part of Material Design
That's right, even on iOS!
Mapsui.Forms - Library for mapping for Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin embeddable image viewer with 360 degree support for Xamarin Forms