Top 20 NuGet windows Packages is a social app discovery platform. appSmarts offers app customers the ability to recommend your Windows app and earn rewards for successful recommendations. You can register your app at
This is a little modification I did from the great library Sandrino Di Mattia created: WindowsAzure.IPAddressRestrictions. The main reason of use this type of libraries is to allow you to configure firewall rules from the Azure Settings Panel without the need to republish the package or to RDP into ...
cppconlib provides a small C++11 template library for manipulating the settings of a Windows console (colors, text position, input mode, etc.). The library contains a single header file (conmanip.h) and the API consists on a set of template classes and functions (in namespace conmanip). The libr...
Google OAuth2 is a small library that uses the WebBrowser control in order to do simple authentication with a Google account.
This package provides Windows Forms Async/Cross Thread Extensions.
Capptain SDK for Windows Phone Silverlight Applications
A Portable Class Library implementation of the MetaWeblog API. Forked from the MetaWeblogSharp project. Has support for saving connections and (.NET 4.5, Windows Phone 8, and Windows 8.x)
A Windows 8 Progress Ring.
Deeper WindowsForms Integration for XAF/Xpand. Taskbar Jumplists and more
ServiceRunner is a library to make it easy to create a simple .NET Windows Service quickly, using a console application that can be debugged and later installed and run as a service with a bare minimum of code..
Newport is a library providing building blocks for Windows Phone and Windows Store App development. It offers an MVVM framework, attached properties for existing controls and a set of custom controls.
CloudSix Connector is a helper to interact with CloudSix windows phone apps to add dropbox file picker or file saver feature to your app
Custom control for toast notifications in Windows 8, Windows Phone & WPF applications. This control is similar to a toast notification but it's not. You can set duration, style, logo, text & animation of the notification. Animations: LeftToLeft, LeftToRight, RightToLeft, RIghtToRight, Vertical, Rot...
About page in the settings charms
Capptain SDK for Windows 8 C# Metro Application
Custom Windows Forms Panels
Portable Class Library Version of the various NotificationsExtensions NuGet Packages. Used to Create WinRT/Windows Phone Notification XML. Use instead of NotificationsExtensions.WinRT and NotificationsExtensions.UniversalApps
Framework to ease developments of Windows Services based on ASK.ServEasy