Top 20 NuGet windows Packages

Xamarin Forms tooltip plugin for Android, IOS, TVOS and UWP.
Xamarin.Plugin.Toast: Show local notifications inside your Xamarin application on UWP, iOS and Android platforms
Contains a renderer used to draw two dimensional graphics using Direct 3D 11.2 for hardware accelation.
Contains access to low level graphics functionality utilizing hardware accelerated rendering through Direct3D 11.2.
The API for accessing content file systems created by the Gorgon Editor from an application. It can also be used to create plug ins for the Editor application.
The C1FlexGridClassic control is a control that derives from C1FlexGrid and provides an object model that is virtually 100% identical to the VSFlexGrid ActiveX control for easier migration.
Xamarin.Plugin.Toast.Images: Show local notifications with images inside your Xamarin application on UWP, iOS and Android platforms
This library provides a XAML MarkdownTextBlock control, an efficient and extensible control that can parse and render markdown. It is part of the ModernWpf Community Toolkit.
Incubed client and provider for web3. Based on in3-c runtime.
This project is a cross platform library for Xamarin, which enables a handy use of Google Analytics in your applications.
Plugin.XamarinAppRating: an easy way to quickly add store rating to your app.
A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS/OSX (APNS), Android/Chrome (GCM), Windows Phone/Windows (WNS), Amazon (ADM), Blackberry and Firefox OS
Testing for Zebble (Xamarin)
InputPanel for WinForms is a container control that can automatically generate input forms using nineteen native data input controls. InputPanel makes it easy to create and maintain input forms.
Input for WinForms includes controls that support formatting, validation, custom styles and data binding.
Provides a grouping UI panel for ComponentOne FlexGrid for WinForms.
The ComponentOne Command library for WinForms includes menu, layout and navigation controls such as C1Menu, C1Toolbar and C1DockingTab.
Ribbon for WinForms provides a toolbar and menu system similar to Microsoft Office 2007, 2010, 2016. This library is legacy replaced by C1.Win.Ribbon.
Extension methods for WPF Windows, exposing API to external user32 methods.
Steema Numerics is a new suite of .NET 5.0 assemblies designed to facilitate the integration of Machine Learning in the analaysis of your data.