Top 20 NuGet windows Packages

Adds Windows Forms support to the .NET Generic Host.
GlobalHook wrapper for WinAPI hooks.
Provides a set of APIs to process file data in Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) traces (.etl files) in .NET. Consider using Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Processing.All instead to provide native dependencies and data providers.
Windows Forms classes and extension methods, almost all static.
Plugin Description
A Pixel Shader library to be used in WPF's XAML. Just add `xmlns:fx=""` to your XAML namespace definitions to use the effects.
GTK+ native libraries and dependencies.
GTK+ native libraries and dependencies.
Screen recording library for Windows 10 using built in Windows.Graphics.Capture features.
Package Description
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for Wpf. This fork is based on
This library enables access to Facebook. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
AgFx is a data caching framework that makes it easy to build data-connected Windows Phone applications.
AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Microsoft's valiant efforts. Built on Windows Azure SDK v1.4.
A toolkit for WinForm for the Kinect for Windows SDK
The Scrypt (Silverlight Cryptography) library adds RSA Encryption, Decryption, Signing and Verification for Silverlight and Windows Phone 7. Key generation is performed asynchrounously so as not to block your UI. This library has been used successfully in Windows Phone 7 apps offered through AppHub....
The Windows Azure Configuration Extensions enhance the Enterprise Library configuration subsystem by providing additional configuration sources. The Blob Configuration Source is included. These extensions are a part of the Enterprise Library Integration Pack for Windows Azure.