Top 20 NuGet websocket Packages
A cross platform SignalR WebSocket client library for .NET NetStandard core.
Angular Websocket (angular-websocket) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Small library to easily deal with websockets using .NET Standard.
A .net core Twitch library containing classes and models to access the pubsub api.
A .net core Twitch library containing classes and models to access the chat api.
WebSocket RPC for ASP.NET Core.
Cross platform RPCs over WebSocket.
Client for Coinbase Pro websocket API
Websockets for VL
PubSub Implementation to communicate with twitchs PubSub system.
WebSocket# provides the WebSocket protocol client and server.
It supports:
- WebSocket Client and Server
- RFC 6455
- Per-message Compression extension
- Secure Connection
- HTTP Authentication
- Query String, Origin header and Cookies
- Infinite streaming
- .NET 4.5 or later
The official LeanCloud .NET SDK .NET 4.5 or later.Support Windows Classic Desktop(WinForms & WPF) & Windows Mobile & Xamarin iOS & Xamarin Android & Xamarin Forms.
The core components for the NTwitch library.
A .net core Twitch library containing classes and models to access the rest api.
A C# WebSocket Server designed for portability and high throughput.
A cross platform WebSocket client library for .NET NetStandard core (backed by WebsocketClientLite).
A cross platform SocketCluster library for .NET NetStandard Core (backed by WebsocketClientLite).
HTTPnet is a .NET library for HTTP and WebSocket based communication. It provides a HTTP/WebSocket server and a powerful processing pipeline for HTTP request and their responses.