Top 20 NuGet webserver Packages
Proxy generation for client Fable apps targeting F# server-side apps using Fable.Remoting
Shared Server Utilities for Fable.Remoting
Dotnet F# client proxy that is compatible with Fable.Remoting web servers
Giraffe-Fable adapter that generates routes for shared server spec with a Fable client. Client must use Fable.Remoting.Client
Suave-Fable adapter that generates routes for shared server spec with a Fable client. Client must use Fable.Remoting.Client
Asp.Net Core middleware for Fable.Remoting
Json serialization utilities for Fable.Remoting
A tiny, cross-platform, module based, MIT-licensed web server. Supporting NET Framework, Net Core, and Mono.
Extendable implementation of kestrel http server in dotnet core.
This is a web component based on SAEA.Sockets. It is lightweight, high performance, easy to use and self hosting.
client class of dotnet core http server
This is a web component based on SAEA.Sockets. It is lightweight, high performance, easy to use and self hosting.
Lightweight simple F# web server library
A webserver for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps
Client part of Elmish.Bridge
Giraffe server for Elmish.Bridge
CaveSystems WebServer Bibliothek.
TinyFox is a standalone, lightweight, and extensible WebApi first-level framework, with support for "Dynamic HTML" and WebSockets as well.
TinyFox 是一款独立、轻快且富有良好扩展能力的 WebApi 一级基础框架,同时,支持“动态HTML”和 WebSocket 也是它的重要特征。
LiveReloadServer is a local, static file Web Server with optional, built-in Live Reload functionality, Markdown rendering support and the ability to run self-contained Razor Pages out of any local folder. Simply point at a local folder with `--webroot` and start serving the folder as a Web site.