Top 20 NuGet webapi Packages
Package for using with ASP.NET projects to provide cli commands feature, e.g.: dotnet run cli emails:send-gifts
Email provider
Templates to use when creating an ASP.NET Core application.
Starter Project Template for ASP.NET Core, Vue.JS + Vuetify + Vue Router + Vuex
This program will execute ASP.NET Core WebAPI from Command Line.
Can be usefull for a CI integration or just making a demo.
Please see for details
Please see about how I made it.
Creates a Webapi core webapi app.
Core Library for ASP.NET Web API JSON partial responses
Instalador do padrão da arquitetura de sistemas profissional Dotnet.
Package Description
Wrapper over HttpClient that makes communicating with WebApi endpoints easier.
$ dotnet new -i Genocs.CleanArchitecture:0.1.0
$ dotnet new cleanarchitecture
It generates a .NET Solution following the Clean Architecture Style, DDD and Separation of Concerns in Domain, Application, Infrastructure and UI.
A simple standardized api response for .Net Core Web Api projects.
Instalador de template com arquitetura profissional Asp .Net Core 3.
A module for adding in validation support.