Top 20 NuGet uow Packages
A library with repository interfaces for using NoSQL
The package is a part of Saritasa Tools project. Saritasa.Tools.EfCore2 contains implementations for unit of work, repository interfaces.
Entity framework unit of work implementation
Implementation for Generic Repository and Unit of Work using Entity Framework Core
Implementation for Generic Repository and Unit of Work using Entity Framework Core
Package Description
Public interfaces for using EFPF features in business layer (or other than the DAL).
NRepository.Core is a generic repository library with a strong focus on CQRS.
Idea.UnitOfWork.EntityFrameworkCore Class Library
Unit of work pattern for Idea framework.
University of Westminster's Data Exporter is a plugin for XRM Toolbox that allows users to export more then 5000 records into a CSV file.
UnitOfWorkCore configuration and filters for ASP.NET Core