Top 20 NuGet units Packages
Get all the common units of measurement and the conversions between them. It is light-weight and thoroughly tested.
A helper library for serializing and deserializing types in Units.NET using Json.NET.
Library of .NET functions, extensions and components including asynchronous processing queues, configuration APIs, diagnostics, error handling, console functions, adapter framework, active directory and local account functions, checksum algorithms, unit conversion, binary parsing, cron-style task sc...
For C#/VB Universal Windows code (UWP), use UnitsNet instead. This is a Windows Runtime Component with reduced functionality to support all UWP languages, such as JavaScript and C++, and other runtime components.
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.NumberWithUnit provides robust recognition and resolution of numbers with units expressed in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese,
German, Dutch, Italian, Turkish, and Hindi. - Math Expressions Parser / Formula Evaluator library for Java, C#, C++, Kotlin, Android, and all .NET platforms, MONO, CLS compliant (Nuget, Maven, CMake)
mXparser is a super easy, rich, fast and highly flexible math expression parser library (parser and evaluator of mathematical expressions / formulas provided as plain text / string). Software delivers easy to use API for JAVA, Android and C# .NET/MONO (Common Language Specification compliant: F#, Vi...
xFunc.UnitConverters is a free conversion library (area, length, mass, power, temperature, time, volume and etc.).
Utility class for conversions between .NET types.
A helper library for serializing and deserializing types in Units.NET using Json.NET.
A collections of different calculators and conversions like gravity of beer calculated based on temperature
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.NumberWithUnit provides robust recognition and resolution of numbers with units expressed in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese,
German, Dutch, Italian, Turkish, and Hindi. This is exact same library as the Microsoft.Recognizers.* packages, but with compiled...
A modeling of units of measures that does automatic conversion between units for any modeled quantity using Float64 values.
Conversion system for physical units, with UCUM implementation - The Unified Code for Units of Measure
Provides strongly typed arithmetics of physical quantities, implemented as value types. The library supports parsing, formatting, operators and unit conversion.
(Yet another) Library to handle conversions between units of measurement in an object oriented manner.
Is an Open Source and Free Software package to facilitate convertig between digital storage units, It supports all .NET Core versions as well as .NET Framework 4.5+
A helper library for serializing and deserializing types in Units.NET using Json.NET.
An extensive measurement, unit, and data conversion library for .NET.
var twoFeet = new Measurement(2, Units.Length.Feet);
var twelveInches = new Measurement(12, Units.Length.Inches);
var result = twoFeet + twelveInches;
Provides CSV reading and writing, with support for QuantityTypes.
An opinionated adapter for MathNet.Spatial using UnitsNet.