Top 20 NuGet unitofwork Packages

Generic DataContext that does UnitOfWork like Entity Framework
A generic repository implementation using entity framework with unit of work pattern, can be easily extended.
GreatIdeasEntityframework is a library developed to be used with Microsoft's Entityframework
Core data required for underlying service
A generic repository implementation using entity framework with unit of work pattern, can be easily extended.
Package Description
Implementations of Ternacode.Persistence.Abstractions for EntityFramework Core.
Abstractions for repository and unit of work patterns.
Implementação do padrão unit of work com mongodb e c#
An implementation of the unit of work pattern that extends beyond traditional database transactions, allowing management of custom commit and rollback functionality.
Entity Framework, UnitOfWork, Generic Repository
UnitofWork Pattern, Generic Repository Pattern, Log4net, MemoryCache, Fluent Validation, ElasticSearchOptions