Top 20 NuGet unitofwork Packages

An NHibernate implementation of the unit of work pattern
A simple Repository / Unit of Work pattern library.
A library that implements an InMemory repository and unit of work
The generic repository and unit of work pattern for entity framework
Aurochses.Data.EntityFrameworkCore is a library to access database with Unit of Work, Repository and Entity classes for Entity Framework Core.
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.
Autofac bootstraper for LoreKeeper.
A library with repository interfaces for using NoSQL
UnitOfWork pattern by EF6
This provides a MVVM layer for Xamarin forms Tools extensions View models abstraction Error management Navigation VM to VM IoC registration
Implementation of pattern "Unit Of Work" for EntityFramework Core with some helpful features like integrated UserManager and RoleManager (Microsoft Identity), paging, transactions and other things
Implementation for Generic Repository and Unit of Work using Entity Framework Core
Repository+UnitOfWork组件封装(.net core), 具体使用方法请参阅README.md说明或者联系作者
Implementation for Generic Repository and Unit of Work using Entity Framework Core