Top 20 NuGet unitofwork Packages
Provides the UnitOfWork pattern for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.

URF - Unit of Work and Repositories Framework for .NET Standard and .NET Core (Official): Trackable Entities Core
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.
Unit of Work implementation for EntityFramework Core. For more information please see Calabonga.UnitOfWork package.

URF - Unit of Work and Repositories Framework for .NET Standard and .NET Core (Official): Entity Framework Core
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.
Library to access database with Unit of Work, Repository and Entity classes for Entity Framework Core.
Structure Basical:
Extensions Methods, Sql DbContext, Sql Repository & UnitOfWork, Mongo DbContext, Mongo Repository & UnitOfWork, Mongo GridFs, Utilities, Exception Handler, ApiResponse
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.

URF - Unit of Work and Repositories Framework for .NET Standard and .NET Core (Official): Abstractions.Trackable
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.

URF - Unit of Work and Repositories Framework for .NET Standard and .NET Core (Official): Abstractions.Services
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.
A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to support repository, unit of work patterns, and multiple database with distributed transaction supported.

URF - Unit of Work and Repositories Framework for .NET Standard and .NET Core (Official): Abstractions
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.
Some helpers for microservice developing. Package contains extensions (C#) that can simplify developer life.
Library to access data storage with Unit of Work, Repository and Entity classes.
Postgres Implementation of Connection Factory using Npgsql.
Sql Server Implementation of Connection Factory using SqlClient.
FP.UoW.Sql integration for Micrososft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
FP.UoW.SQLite integration for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Unit of Work implementation for EntityFramework Core. Package based over the mediatr pattern (mediatr package used). For more information please see Calabonga.UnitOfWork package. Mediator pattern impementation.
Kharazmi.MongoDb is a Lightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for provides the MongoDB implementation for data context and associated commands.