Top 20 NuGet unit Packages

MSTest extension for data driven tests
DEPRECATED! Use UnitsNet 4.0.0 or later instead, which is now signed. This package will be unlisted sometime later. Get all the common units of measurement and the conversions between them. It is light-weight and thoroughly tested.
Use expressions to build objects for use in unit tests
DDD helper lib
Package Description
Deprecated - use Our.Umbraco.Community.Tests in stead The Umbraco.Tests.dll and pdb files, built from the UmbracoCMS source code. Theres a daily check for a new version(Umbraco.Version) using appveyors cron job
Package Description
The reflection-based C++ unit testing framework. SlothUnit aims to be really simple to use, expressive and easy to setup. More than anything, trying to be really familiar to your usual C++ code, so you are not required to study it in-depth to be able to start using it fluently (no learning cu...
This package contains geo-location representing data structures as well as some APIs for calculating distances between geo-locations
Provides interfaces such as ITestExecutor and ITestDiscoverer for implementing custom unit test adapters.
Data Access Layer Core interfaces for Core project
Data Access Layer provides abstract interfaces of Generic Repository and Unit of Work for your .NET application.
Data Access Layer provides concreate entity framework implemenataion of Generic Repository and Unit of Work for your .NET application.
Data Access Layer provides concreate entity framework implemenataion of Generic Repository and Unit of Work for your .NET CORE application.
This is the core framework with compatability for TestDriven.NET for Edison, to be used when writing tests. Edison is an open source unit/integration test framework for .NET.
MaulingMonKey's Unit Testing API. No, the world didn't really need another unit testing library either. Yes, I wrote one anyways. Project Goals: - Cross Platform - target all the platforms I'm interested in appropriately. - No Config - aiming to have "perfect" NuGet integration, with .libs, sane ...
The core framework for unit tests from Springboard 365 Ltd.
Simplifies Layered Application Development. Provides base classes for data layer: Generic Repository, Unit of Work, etc Uses Entity Framework see
Adds support for implementing mocks consistently and pass test data to be used in mocks.