Top 20 NuGet unit Packages

FasterTests is a parallel unit tests console runner for NUnit
Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
A fluent interface based powershell unit testing framework.
Unit of work repository
Automated Cleaning Tool, allowing to reduce manual cleanup code in SetUp / TearDown methods used in test projects.
Assert multiples properties when comparing an object and get the right feedback :-)
FrameworkAbstraction provides wrapper interfaces around .NET framework classes which interact with the operating system (e.g. classes in the System.IO.File and System.Net.Sockets namespaces). This allows for mocking of these classes in unit tests.
A simple and easy to use load testing framework for .NET
This package should be referenced by the core project which contains the domain model classes
Core database library used for assisting with integrations tests that connect to databases.
Core database library used for assisting with integrations tests that connect to databases.
Unit test files.
Package Description
Minimalist and cross platform. Contest, the new testing framework for .NET.
hepsi http client delegating handlers for unit testing.
Helpers for testing serialization
Units of measure for C#
Some testing useful extension methods for .NET 4.0 or above