Top 20 NuGet typed Packages

A typed message-based .NET client gateway for accessing Stripe's REST API. Used by to process merchant payments and recurring subscriptions.
Conduit connects browsers and .NET Core applications via signalR utilizing strongly typed payloads and enables server-side message filtering based upon client data.
A typed message-based .NET client gateway for accessing Stripe's REST API. Used by to process merchant payments and recurring subscriptions.
integrated aspnet core and Bridge.NET crossplatform toolkit for building typesafe web applications in C#
Ridge is a source generator that creates strongly typed HTTP clients for integration tests. HTTP clients generated by Ridge require WebApplicationFactory. The use of `WebApplicationFactory` allows Ridge to access internal components of ASP.NET and analyze them. Th...
This package provides several extensions that make working with IDistributedCache easier including Json object serialization, get with fallback, key space partitioning and logging. In addition to these extensions there is also a strongly typed ISimpleCache<TKey, TValue> interface that provides a dep...
integrated aspnet core and Bridge.NET crossplatform toolkit for building typesafe web applications in C#
This package provides several extensions that make working with IDistributedCache easier including Json object serialization, get with fallback, key space partitioning and logging. In addition to these extensions there is also a strongly typed ISimpleCache<TKey, TValue> interface that provides a dep...
Clean and strongly typed way to get WMI values from a Windows machine
Translates Linq Expressions to SQL 'where' clause. Makes it safer to work with "Poco ORM-ish thing" (PetaPoco, AsyncPoco etc). Generates sql and parameters to be passed to Database class methods such as Query, Single, Delete etc.
integrated aspnet core and Bridge.NET crossplatform toolkit for building typesafe web applications in C#
integrated aspnet core and Bridge.NET crossplatform toolkit for building typesafe web applications in C#
AsyncPoco bindings for StaTypPocoQueries. It translates Linq Expressions to SQL 'where' clause. Makes it safer to work with AsyncPoco. Generates sql and parameters to be passed to Database class methods such as Query, Single, Delete etc.
AsyncPoco bindings for StaTypPocoQueries. It translates Linq Expressions to SQL 'where' clause. Makes it safer to work with AsyncPoco. Generates sql and parameters to be passed to Database class methods such as Query, Single, Delete etc.
A library enabling typed routing in ASP.NET MVC Core projects. Next generation of the Strathweb.TypedRouting Web API 2 library.
AspNet.Mvc.TypedRouting is a class library allowing typed expression based route registration and link generation for ASP.NET Core MVC. See the project repository for more information and available features.
Create instance of HliHttpClient and make typed calls: var client = new HliHttpClient("", "ip"); var result = await client.GetDataAsTypeAsync&lt;IpResponse&gt;(); There is also an IRepository interface and subinterfaces for your repositories.
This project provides functionality similar to Castle.Windsor Typed Factories, for the Unity IoC container.
Postal is a code generator that generates strongly typed message contracts for request-response type protocols. Messages are serialized and deserialized using Protocol buffers.