Top 20 NuGet typed Packages

A typesafe way of adding with-functionality to any type.
Typed and validated application configuration settings. Allows backup configuration such as parent / child settings. Based off ConfigurationManager, JSON, and Environment Variables.
SignalR.Client.TypedHubProxy is a library which extends the SignalR.Client components to enable typed hub proxies.
Strongly typed configuration management system with change notification
TypedRest.WPF helps you build simple WPF clients using REST clients designed with TypedRest.
The library allows to create IValueConverter, IMultiValueConverter, DataTemplateSelector, and ValidationRule objects with the most convenient syntax available, ideally, using the lambda expressions.
Provides means for dynamically extending types at runtime
An MSBuild task that generates a strongly typed helper class for resource files with support for string formatting.
Strong typed HTTP client with provider using. The main goal of the library is to minimize plumbing code to bare minimum.
A Portable Class Library containing a typed message-based .NET client gateway for accessing Stripe's REST API. Used by to process merhcant payments and recurring subcriptions.
Get your Umbraco data in strongly typed models
Strongly typed config for Azure Cloud Services. Code generation of Settings: cscfg and csdef and reader
A strictly typed Sql Builder for .Net
PetaPoco bindings for StaTypPocoQueries.
TypedDataLayer is data layer using statically-typed generated classes.
A package to validate strongly typed configuration on app startup
Map and invoke SignalR methods in a strongly typed way on the client and server.
TypeScript Typed Definitions for Umbraco 7
Embed the Urchin server into your own application or web site.
Typed XAML adds advanced generics support to WPF and Windows 10 apps. Find us on GitHub at