Top 20 NuGet transport Packages
Service Fabric Service remoting extensions for Fabricators Guild solutions
CoAPnet is a high performance .NET library for CoAP based communication. It provides a CoAP client and a CoAP server. It also has DTLS support out of the box.
ImVader is a framework for working with graphs. It provides implementation of common graph algorithms: BFS, DFS, Dijkstra and Floyd-Worshell algorithms, topological sort, computing strong components, finding minimum cuts and others.
Library to acquire real-time information from Västtrafik’s APIs
Tests for transport implementations
A tiny (ligthweight) tcp server providing tcp infrastructure and hooks (on client data exchange) for application with possibility to specify behaviour dynamically via C# script.
ASP.NET Core middleware that enforce that https scheme is used and that adds the HTTP Strict Transport (HSTS) header for all HTTP responses to request made using https scheme.
The API has been created to provide public transport timetable data to the public in the most dynamic and efficient way. By providing an API, PTV hopes to maximise both the opportunities for re-use of public transport data and the potential for innovation.
This library is not officially supported by...
C# implementation of ZeroMQ Realtime Exchange Protocol. Automatic discovery of nodes anywhere on the network!
Coda.Data.Sql provides helpers for working with SqlConnections on a bulk basis by providing Bulk Loading / Insertion Capabilities. Continually updated with new features and bugfixes as necessary, commercially supported from Cedita.
Coda is used by Cedita when creating new applications that follow certain standards of development and practices. Continually updated with new features and bugfixes as necessary, commercially supported from Cedita.
Routines for reading and manipulating NASA FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) files
CoAPnet is a high performance .NET library for CoAP based communication. It provides a CoAP client and a CoAP server. It also has DTLS support out of the box.
The clrzmq project contains .NET bindings for ØMQ (ZeroMQ), an open source, high performance transport layer. Includes a compiled version of the native libzmq library. WARNING: This package targets the x64 build platform.
CSharpFITS package is a pure C# .NET port of Tom McGlynn's nom.tam.fits Java package. It provides native C# support for reading and writing FITS files.
.NET API to access public transport information