Top 20 NuGet transport Packages
Efficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC transport protocol.
fszmq is an MPLv2-licensed F# binding for the ZeroMQ distributed computing library.
This library is primarily designed to be consumed from F#.
However, where possible, the library has been designed to appear "friendly" when consumed by other .NET languages (C#, et aliam).
NOTE: This package **ONLY*...
The clrzmq project contains .NET bindings for ØMQ (ZeroMQ), an open source, high performance transport layer. Targets Any CPU and includes compiled versions of the native libzmq library for x86 and x64.
Aeron Media Driver for use with Aeron.Client.
Streaming Telemetry Transport Protocol API for .NET
An MPEG2 Transport Stream decoder, in C# using NET 6.0
Analysis engine for parsing data from Cinegy TsDecoder, in C# targetting NET 6.0
National Rail and Transport for London real time train scheduling and progress data. Allows simple integration of this data into your C# applications and websites. Aggregation of TRUST (train movements), TD (train descriptor), RTPPM (Real Time Public Performance Measure), schedule and VSTP (Very Sho...
(Legacy) Akka.NET remote transport layer based on Helios.
Service Fabric extensions for Fabricators Guild solutions
Service Fabric Service remoting extensions for Fabricators Guild solutions
Fork of MQTTnet is a high performance .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker).
Portable C# Sdk for the WhereIsMyTransport platform.
.NET Core C# Sdk for the WhereIsMyTransport platform.
Service Fabric Reliable Actors remoting extensions for Fabricators Guild solutions
Service Fabric Diagnostics for Fabricators Guild solutions
Observable implementation of Azure EventHubs based transport.