Top 20 NuGet trail Packages

Store Audit.NET Trail Logs into a SQL Server database
Generate detailed Audit Logs for MVC Controller actions.
Generate detailed Audit Logs for Web API Controller calls.
Store Audit.NET Trail Logs into Elasticsearch database
An extensible framework to audit executing operations in .NET and .NET Core.
Generate Audit Logs from EntityFramework context changes
Generate detailed Audit Logs for AspNet Core Web API Controller calls.
Generate Audit Logs from EntityFramework context changes
Generate Audit Logs from EntityFramework identity context changes
Store Audit.NET Trail Logs into a PostgreSQL database
Store Audit.NET Trail Logs into an Azure Document DB database
Store Audit.NET Logs into an Azure Blob Storage
Store Audit.NET Trail Logs into a MySQL database
Generate detailed Audit Logs for AspNet Core MVC Controller actions.
Log Audit.NET Audit Trail using Apache log4net™
Log Audit.NET Audit Trail NLog™
Generate detailed Audit Logs for HttpClient instances.
Store Audit.NET Trail Logs into a MongoDB database
Generate Audit Logs by intercepting operation calls on any class without changing its code.
Send Audit.NET Trail Logs as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a multicast group