Top 20 NuGet token Packages

A JSONClient for Token based authentication. Targets .NET Standard 1.4
Behavior that handles a token un message header, between request
A simple and straightforward jwt authentication setup
Provides a handful of helpful extension methods for use during verification of Microsoft Roslyn Code Analysis, Code Generation, and so on. The package is intentionally left bereft of specific unit test framework dependencies.
VkNet extension to authenticate as Android client app
Efetuar requisições (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE) com autorização do tipo Bearer (pode ser obtida via a interface IServicoRequisicaoBaseToken)
Simplifies creating TokenRetrievers for IdentityServer4.
Cookign is a new library that is responsible for managing the identification and authorization of users on websites.
Provides generic-based JwtToken coder and decoder.
A package containing the classes necessary for token validation.
A package containing the classes necessary for token validation via Nancy and CorshamScience.Authentication.TokenValidation.
Provides a handful of helpful extension methods for use during verification of Microsoft Roslyn Code Analysis, Code Generation, and so on. The package is intentionally left bereft of specific unit test framework dependencies.
A simple yet versatile .NET tokenized string formatting library written in C# to replace string.Format.
A general JWT(JSON Web Token) utilities
Provides extension methods for user's identity. (Get User ID and Generate JWT)
MongoDB utilities to apply optimistic concurrency when updating and deleting entities using a version property.
A Sitecore Extension providing additional Standard Values Tokens.