Top 20 NuGet toggle Packages

FeatureSwitch cloud support library
FlipperDotNet is a feature-flagging system. This package makes use of Redis as a storage backend.
A really simple library for checking if a feature is enabled/disabled
A feature toggle library with ASP.Net routing
Allow configuration of featuresusing scripts (currently just javascript)
Easy way to determine features using configurable or runtime conditions
FeatureToggle provider for storing feature toggles in Azure Table storage.
FeatureToggle provider for storing feature toggles in Service Fabric configuration packages.
FeatureToggle provider for storing feature toggles in Azure DocumentDB.
AudioDeviceCmdlets is a suite of PowerShell Cmdlets to control audio devices on Windows
Simple feature flag (feature toggle).
Community user-agent toggles for Esquio. For more information see
Community location toggles for Esquio. For more information see
Includes extension method to wire up FeatuR using MSSQL as data store
Implements FeatureStore with EntityFramework using MSSQL
Includes extension method to wire up FeatuR using MySQL as data store
Implements FeatureStore with EntityFramework using MySQL
Feature Toggling Library for .NET
A lightweight framework for feature toggling to enable trunk based development.
Http handler and web.config configuration for Toggle.Net