Top 20 NuGet toggle Packages

General use components for HTML5 and JavaScript®/TypeScript/AngularJS: Calendar, date picker, time picker, multi-selector combo box, toggle button, tree-grid, etc.
FlipperDotNet is a feature-flagging system. This package is the common adapter test suite.
Customizable Toggle switch with flat style for UWP
Replaces the FeatureService for a rest client, to ask another service
Implements FeatureStore with EntityFramework
Extension to wire up the necessary services and settings from FeatuR
Provide better management of feature flags of Launch Darkly
A plugin to FeatureSwitcher to control feature switches/toggles from app.config.
Unit Test helper for Toggler library
A Package that allows you to toggle features on and off
FeatureSwitch integration library for Asp.Net Mvc
FeatureSwitch helper library for System.Web.Optimization
FeatureSwitch helper library to integrate with StructureMap v2.6
FeatureSwitch IoC container support for Unity
A feature flipping system for ASP.Net WebAPI.
A feature flipping system with Unity.
Feature Switch IoC container support for Ninject
ConfigurationSection repo for RToggle
A flexible feature toggle library
A Sql feature source for FeatureSelect