Top 20 NuGet threading Packages
Nequeo threading component
Ninject implementation for XecMe container
SimpleInjector implementation for XecMe container
Appson Common libraries for .NET is a set of utilities and extensions that are
used frequently in different projects.
A library for unit testing Serilog log events in concurrent testing frameworks.
Utilities for working with tasks and awaitables in .NET.
Lock only when similar objects are entering a critical section
.NET Standard library that provides an extension method for Tasks to forget them once they are fired.
A thread-safe generic first in-first out (FIFO) collection with support for priority queuing.
A thread-safe generic first in-first out (FIFO) collection with support for priority queuing.
This package provides the following features:
* A class for the creation of Named Lock objects
* Helper classes for running asynchronous code synchronously without the risk of DeadLocks
* A class for running code in a separate thread safely
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.
A .Net scheduler that handles parallaization and adaptive sleeping on inactivity, can be used to develop long running workers and is specially suited for pulling scenarios
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.
A high Performance C# file downloader that asyncrounously downloads files as pieces. Made as a faster, more efficent replacement to Microsoft's WebClient.
MongoDB utilities to apply optimistic concurrency when updating and deleting entities using a version property.
Retlang is a high performance C# threading library (see Jetlang for a version in Java). The library is intended for use in message based concurrency similar to event based actors in Scala. The library does not provide remote messaging capabilities. It is designed specifically for high performance in...
A framework to easily create threads to run tasks Synchronously or Asychronously.
XecMe is a hosting and execution framework. It follows the task oriented design approach for solving the business problems. It is a highly configurable framework to execute batch processes, asynchronous tasks, Windows Service etc. You can simplify your Azure Worker Role development to manage multipl...
Simple lightweight queue that stores data in a concurrent queue and periodically process the queued items.
Userful for:
* processing items in batches;
* grouping data for later processing;
* async processing (consumer/producer);
* etc.
Note: this nuget package contains c# source code and depends o...