Top 20 NuGet threading Packages

Thread-based processing.
Async Extensions for ICommand Includes AsyncCommand and IAsyncCommand which allows ICommand to safely be used asynchronously with Task. Includes AsyncValueCommand and IAsyncValueCommand which allows ICommand to safely be used asynchronously with ValueTask
Work queue for dot net 4.6.2, 4.7.2, 4.8, dot net standard 2.0, 6.0 and 8.0 SQL server, SQLite, Redis and PostgreSQL transports are available.
LiteDB storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
ASP.NET Core support for Workshell Tempus
Quartz.NET OpenTracing integration
Provides interfaces for types in System.Threading.Tasks: Task, Task<T>, TaskFactory, TaskFactory<T>.
Small helper for processing work items on separate threads continuously.
MADE.NET Threading provides helpers and extensions that help with application scenarios that care about threads. Amongst the features, you'll find an improved take on the .NET `Timer` implementation to make it easier for you to use in your apps!
Helper that runs async methods synchronously, extensions for System.Threading.
Standard Web Applications .NET Utilities
Class library that provides classes for usage in multi-threaded asynchronous environments providing multiple-read/single-write capabilities. Support for async entry into read and/or write states, allowing for complex lock management in asynchronous methods, where different sections of the code are e...
A simple .NET job scheduler along the lines of Hangfire or Quartz but with a reduced feature set and simpler API.
Quartz.NET46 JSON Serialization Support
Quartz.NET46 TimeZoneConverter integration
Quartz Scheduling Framework for .NET46
Quartz Scheduling Framework for .NET46
Nelibur.Sword is a library to take with you in the battle of Clean Code.