Top 20 NuGet task Packages

Extension methods to convert old asynchronous programming model (APM), the pairs of begin/end methods to new TPL async/await Task base methods.
Extension methods to convert old asynchronous programming model (APM), the pairs of begin/end methods to new TPL async/await Task base methods.
Package Description
Wraps cross-domain asynchronous method calls, returing System.Threading.Tasks.Task. Sample usage: using TaskRemoting; remoteDomain.Invoke(myObj.MyMethod, myArg);
XmlTransform.Tasks provides a nice and easy way to perform config file transformation using MsBuild tasks. It is a tool (solution level) package. It uses 'Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform' (package id 'Microsoft.Web.Xdt') to perform the transformation.
Cake MSBuildTask AddIn
MSBuild task to install Nuget packages from local packages folder downloaded by Nuget Package Restore The original NugetPackageRestore added packageInstaller.xst on the packages' folder. This works well for one Web project, but multiple web projects means that the second Web project does not run th...
An MSBuild Task to generate Postman v3 collections from WebApi ApiControllers without dependencies on MVC, WebApiHelp or System.Web. Based on Yao's example
It is a task collection that adds an insufficient amount in the tasking facility of the MSBuild standard.
Use C#/VB await keyword with AutoResetEvent, ManualResetEvent, or Semaphore in .NET apps See examples in README on GitHub:
The basic background task execute infrastructure
A C# bootstrapper / task runner that helps you keep your tasks with your code.
CSBuild is a .NET library which helps create build scripts with normal .NET console applications.
MSBuild task to run FSharpLint.
Cake AddIn to embed files into .proj files
Extension methods for tasks, including LINQ query syntax support, task chaining, and exception handling.
Provides a Task class for Compact Framework 3.5 with similar functionality as provided by Framework 4. For another framework it simply forwards the type to corresponding assembly. Replaced by NETStandard.WindowsCE package.
A task runner for ASP.NET MVC utilizing cache expiration for scheduling
Provides classes useful in concurrent programming.